If you cannot comply with these measures set out below then work must stop immediately and you must contact the Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion) to assess the situation. The role of the COVID-19 Champion is to police the compound and the site to ensure that everyone is complying with the guidance. They have the authority to remove anyone from site who is not compliant.
In order for any works to be carried out, it is necessary to operate very strict guidelines on the site and within the compound, we would ask anyone who sees any non-compliance to report this immediately to the Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion).
Site General
• At all times you must maintain the 2m distancing rule
• Where tasks mean you cannot maintain the 2m distancing rule, please refer to your Company Risk and Method Statements
• It is the responsibility of your employer to provide any necessary PPE if it is considered necessary
• Stop all unnecessary meetings and avoid unnecessary visitors to site
Within the plots
• Maximum two persons to work in the plot at any one time (one per floor) but always maintaining the 2m distancing rule
• The door must be kept shut at all times
• Signage must be placed on the external of the door alerting others to the fact that there is someone in the plot and that they must NOT enter. Ensure the name of the operative in the plot is on the sign
• It is the responsibility of the person working in the plot to regularly wash/clean their hands and wipe down any surfaces that they have come in to contact with
• At this time it is acceptable for the operative to consume food and drinks in the plots
• Bins will be provided in every plot as per normal practice. These are to be emptied by each trade at the end of each shift
Site Office
• If there is more than one member of the Site Management Team working per site then they must maintain the 2m distancing rule
• There is to be no more than three people in the ‘office area’ at any one time, and must maintain the 2m distancing rule
• The door to the office must be locked to prevent anyone wandering in and out when not occupied
• The provided sign must be placed on the external of the door alerting others to the fact that the office is occupied and they must NOT enter without authorisation. Ensure the mobile number of the Manager is on the sign so that they can be contacted for entry or questions
• There must be hand sanitiser in every ‘office area’ and if there is a sink then soap and disposable hand towels must be provided also
• It is the responsibility of the Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion) that is residing in that ‘office area’ and the individuals to ensure that everyone entering and exiting must sanitise their hands
• It is the responsibility of the Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion) that is residing in that ‘office area’ to ensure that the work surfaces and all the contact points are cleaned down thoroughly with a suitable anti-bacterial solution twice a day (either by themselves or a site operative) in line with guidance on the products used
• There is to be no more than four people in the canteen at any one time proving the 2m distancing rule can be achieved
• There are to be NO external catering activities taking place in any circumstance – this includes catering vans on site
• Everyone must bring their own food/drink
• Everyone must bring and use their own crockery/cutlery
• It is the responsibility of the Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion) to remove all crockery/cutlery from the canteen areas prior to it being used
• It is the responsibility of the Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion) to ensure that the tables/surfaces/kettle/microwave/fridge are cleaned down thoroughly with a suitable anti-bacterial solution three times a day (either by themselves or a site operative) in line with guidance on the products used
• There must be hand sanitiser/soap/disposable hand towels in every canteen and it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure they clean/wash their hands on entering and exiting the canteen
• It’s the responsibility of everyone using the canteen to sit no closer than 2m apart. This can be achieved by removing certain tables and chairs or making certain tables and chairs ‘out of order-do not use’.
• The provided sign must be placed on the canteen door stating the rules of the canteen but this door should be left open so it clear to see who is currently in there
• Outside seating areas can be utilised. Ensure everyone are maintaining a 2m distance from one another
• Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion) to consider staggered start times and staggered break times if he feels it necessary
Drying Room
• There must be no more than two people in the drying room at any one time, maintaining the 2m distancing rule
• We would ask that you only use the drying room if it is absolutely necessary, and if necessary then ensure space is maintained between hooks
• It is the responsibility of the Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion) to ensure that any touch surfaces are cleaned down thoroughly with a suitable anti-bacterial solution once a day (either by themselves or a site operative) in line with the guidance on the products used
• There must be hand sanitiser in the drying room and it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure they clean their hands on entering and exiting the drying room
• The provided sign must be placed on the drying room door stating the rules of the drying room but this door should be left open so it is clear to see who is currently in there
• There must be no more than two people in the toilet at any one time
• Ensure that there are sufficient stocks of toilet paper/soap/hand sanitiser/disposable hand towels. It is the responsibility of the individual to wash/clean their hands on entering and exiting
• It is the responsibility of the Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion) to ensure that the toilets are cleaned down thoroughly with a suitable anti-bacterial solution three times a day (either by themselves or a site operative) in line with guidance on the products used
• The provided sign must be placed on the toilet door stating the rules of the toilet
Signing In
• Signing in will continue as normal, maintaining the 2m distancing rule
• Everyone must report to the Site Manager (the COVID-19 Champion) on arriving at work who will sign everyone in. The rules of the Site Office as detailed above must be adhered to during the signing in process
• Ensure that the ‘Signing In Covid-19 Notice’ regarding the enhanced measures are asked to ensure that all contractors are taking responsibility for their own safety and being considerate of the safety of others
Inductions/Tool Box Talks
• Inductions and Tool Box Talks will continue as normal, maintaining the 2m distancing rule
First Aid
• Ensure that you treat each injury as a case by case basis in order to weigh up your own safety against the severity of the injury reported
• If the issue is ‘minor’ then self-administration with guidance given from a trained first aider should still be possible
• If this is not possible, then as per normal guidance, direct personnel to seek further medical advice/assistance or for serious injuries call the ambulance service
Car Park
• When using the car park please maintain the 2m distancing rule
• Avoid using Public Transport
• Be aware of the high risk categories for COVID-19, these include, diabetes, respiratory illnesses such as asthma and heart complications
• Avoid contact with any colleague, client or member of the general public who may be displaying symptoms of COVID-19 – persistent cough and high temperature
If symptoms appear
If a worker starts displaying any COVID-19 symptoms, they must immediately follow the guidelines for self-isolation and not return to work until the self-isolation period is completed.
If these symptoms occur on site, workers must:-
• Go home immediately and avoid touching equipment e.g. tools, vehicles, staff
• Cough or sneeze into a tissue and put it in a bin, or if they do not have tissues, cough and sneeze into the crook of their elbow
• Report them to supervisors/other staff (if in person, at a safe distance, 3m), or by telephone after they have gone home
• Supervisors/Managers must note the day self-isolation began and ensure the worker does not come back on site until the self-isolation period of 7 days is over (or 14 days if someone in the workers household has symptoms)
• If someone must be taken home ill with suspected COVID-19 symptoms, their employer must make suitable arrangements but must not put any other contractor/staff at risk
Travelling to and arriving on site
Many staff will travel to one, or multiple sites. We therefore recommend the following procedures:-
• Wherever possible, workers should travel to site alone using their own transport
• Ensure cycle spaces are available but try to keep bikes two metres apart. This will limit accidental contact potential. Staff must look after their own cycles and not help others with theirs.
• If possible, park cars one space apart. This limits the opportunities for spread if workers do cough, sneeze or spread germs. This also limits accidental contact potential, with e.g. door handles
• If workers have no option but to share transport:-
o journeys should be shared by the same employees with the minimum number of people possible at one time
o good ventilation (e.g. keeping windows open) and facing away from each other may help reduce risk of transmission
o the vehicle should be regularly cleaned with gloves and usual cleaning products, with emphasis on areas that are likely to be touched such as handles
• Some businesses have been transporting staff separately to ensure works can continue, others, such as sub-contractors have been coming in vans or crew buses
o Crew buses should seat workers either side of the vehicle, with a row of seats being left as a gap behind the next set of people
o If possible, single cabs should hold a maximum of two
o If transport resources allow for it, it may be possible to have one person per single cab vehicle
o If possible, the inside vehicles should be cleaned a minimum of three hours after is has been exited (this allows any potential airborne particles to drop). Handles should be cleaned immediately after arrival on site
• Ensure that if any equipment is moved from vehicles to sites, it is transported by someone wearing disposable gloves that are thrown away after one use, or hands are washed for 20 seconds, before and after transportation
• If possible vary start/finish times to ensure the least possible contact with the public (this is absolutely key if workers are arriving on Public Transport)
• Consider how someone who is taken ill would get home
Driving at Work
When travelling at work or between site locations, workers should travel alone. If workers have no option but to share a vehicle, then they should:-
• Share with the same individuals and with the minimum number of people at any one time
• Wherever possible maintain a distance of two metres
• Avoid touching surfaces of the vehicle and then their faces
• Maintain good ventilation (e.g. keeping the windows open) and face away from each other during the journey
• Wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and water or hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available before entering and after getting out of the vehicle
• Regularly clean the vehicle using gloves and standard cleaning products, with particular emphasis on handles and other surfaces which may be touched during the journey
Leaving Site during the working day
• Nobody whilst on site to leave site during the working day
• Workers shall NOT leave site to visit local shops
Avoiding Close Working and cross contamination
Sites and work need to be planned and organised to avoid crowding and minimise the risk of spread of infection by following PHE and HSE guidance and the advice within these Site Operating Procedures.
There will be situations where it is not possible or safe for workers to distance themselves from each other by 2 metres. PHE guidance for construction states ‘where it is not possible to follow the social distancing guidelines in full in relation to a particular activity, you should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the site to continue to operate, and, if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission’.
• Plan work to minimise interaction between workers
o Minimise face-to-face contact
o Keep groups of workers together and as small as possible to minimise the risk of transmission across the whole workforce e.g. maintain the same crew and shift pattern
• Re-useable PPE, e.g. eye protection, protective gloves and respiratory equipment, should be thoroughly cleaned after use and not shared between workers
• Single use PPE, e.g. dust masks and vinyl gloves, should be disposed of so that it cannot be reused
• Stairs should be used in preference to lifts and hoists
• Where lifts or hoists must be used:
o Lower their capacity to reduce congestion and contact at all times
o Regularly clean touchpoints, doors, buttons etc
• Increase ventilation in enclosed spaces, for example in vehicle cabs
• Regularly clean the inside of vehicle cabs and between use by different operators. Mobile hand washing/sanitiser facilities will help this
• Plan work to minimise contact between workers and avoid skin-to-skin and face-to-face contact
• Where face-to-face working is essential:
o This should be kept to 15 minutes or less wherever possible
o The number of workers involved in these tasks should be reduced (but not to the extent it compromises the safety)
o Consider working side-by-side or facing away from each other rather than face-to-face, if possible
o Consider introducing enhanced authorisation process for these activities
o Provide additional supervision to monitor and manage compliance
• As much as possible, keep groups of workers working together in teams that are as small as possible (cohorting). For example, you keep vehicle crews working together, rather than mixing crew members on different shifts
• Workers should wash their hands before and after using the equipment
General Principles
• Non-essential physical work that requires close contact between workers should not be carried out
• Work requiring skin-to-skin contact should not be carried out
• Plan all other work to minimise contact between workers
• Re-useable PPE should be thoroughly cleaned after use and not shared between workers
• Single use PPE should be disposed of so that is cannot be reused
• Stairs should be used in preference to lifts and hoists and consider using one way systems
• Where lifts or hoists must be used:
o Lower their capacity to reduce congestion and contact at all times
o Regularly clean touchpoints, doors, buttons etc
o Increase ventilation in enclosed spaces
• Regularly clean the inside of vehicle cabs between use by different operators
• Regularly clean/sanitise all buttons and touchpoints
• The health and safety requirements of any construction activity must also not be compromised at this time. If an activity cannot be undertaken safely due to a lack of suitably qualified personnel being available or social distancing being implemented, it should not take place
Site Meetings
• Only absolutely necessary meeting participants should attend
• Attendees should be two metres apart from each other
• Rooms should be well ventilated/windows opened to allow fresh air circulation
• Consider holding meetings in open areas where possible
• General advice can also be give on mobile phones, through group conversations/pre-recorded videos on applications such as WhatsApp/Zoom. This can also serve as a useful point of review to remind workers of their responsibilities
First Aid & Emergency Service Response
• The primary responsibility is to preserve life and first aid should be administrated if required and until the emergency services attend:
o When planning site activates, the provision of adequate first aid resources must be agreed between the relevant parties on site
o Emergency plans including contact details should be kept up to date
o Consideration must also be given to potential delays in emergency services response, due to the current pressure on resources
o Consider preventing or rescheduling high-risk work or providing additional competent first aid or trauma resources
Emergency services are also under great pressure and may not be able to respond as quickly as usual. This should be taken into consideration in the planning of work activities, first aid, fire and emergency responses.
Enhanced cleaning procedures with increased frequency of cleaning should be in place across the site, particularly in communal areas and at touchpoints including:-
o Taps and washing facilities
o Toilet flush and seats
o Vehicles
o Door handles and push plates
o Handrails or staircases and corridors
o Lift and hoist controls
o Machinery and equipment controls
o Food preparation and all areas used for eating must be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each break and shift, including chairs, door handles, vending machines and payment devices
o Telephone equipment, including wipes for mobile phones
o Keyboards, photocopiers and other office equipment
o Rubbish collection and storage points should be increased and emptied regularly throughout and at the end of each day
o Signing in Station
Your personal health is paramount to CG Fry & Son and we thank you for your co-operation